Announcing Hope Charity (Anunciando una Esperanza)

Non-profit foundation with the mission of helping oncological patients, low-income children, children with malnutrition inside and outside the city hospital, children in street conditions, orphanage, and the asylum where the elderly are located.

We donate clothes in good condition, toys, food, shoes, school supplies, provide emotional and spiritual support, we also do recreational activities and weekly visit the orphanages and the hospital in the city, making a donation of food to more than 300 children.

Our goal is to give a message of hope and joy, to set the values ​​and plant the love of God.


Banco Venezuela
Checking Account: 0102-0610-39-0000133139
Name: Fundación Anunciando una Esperanza
Rif: J406083747
Phone: +58 416-0329227